Mystery in Klarenbeekse meadows: emergency services chase crashed hot air balloon for hours in vain | Apeldoorn

Was it a mirage? A misplaced joke? Or was it just okay afterwards? Anyway, on Friday evening emergency services went in search of a hot air balloon that had crashed in the meadows near Klarenbeek. It was never found, but the fuss was no less.

Just before 9 a.m., a report was received from a witness who had seen that a balloon had landed incorrectly on landing and that assistance was needed. About seven police cars, at least two ambulances and a number of cars from municipal enforcement then combed the area between Apeldoorn and Klarenbeek where the balloon would have landed.

In a traffic jam

They encountered several balloonists – the weather was apparently perfect for that – but none matched the reporter’s description. In any case, it created busy scenes in the otherwise quiet area, especially when a lot of ‘disaster tourists’ also came to the 112 report that referred to a ‘aircraft accident’. Occasionally it was traffic jams on the country roads.

After an hour of fruitless searches, the rescuers gave up.
