Mystery about the heart in the sky: who is so romantic?

Was it an amorous pilot or pure coincidence? In any case, the action on Friday afternoon above Waalwijk can be called very romantic. A student of the Royal Military School Air Force (KMSL) in Woensdrecht made a neat heart during a flight exercise. But was that on purpose? A spokesperson for the air base provides clarity about the ‘mystery’.

The heart could be followed on Friday afternoon via apps to track aircraft, such as Flightradar24, but the loving flight on the radar had not gone unnoticed by the air force either.

“The squadron also had to laugh about it,” says spokesman Marcel Schouten of Woensdrecht air base. “But no romantic stories here.” The pilot, called a pilot in the air force, has no preference for Waalwijk, no silent admirers, nothing. Unfortunately.

Schouten unravels the mystery further: “It was a pilot in training, who was busy with maneuvers in his training aircraft during an exercise.” Yet love can just blossom.

“Because there are very nice people in the air force,” chuckles the air base spokesperson. Oh yeah. Let’s just say what the heart is full of.
