‘My wife thinks it’s unfair that I earn more when we both work just as hard’ | Salary

SalaryHow much do you earn? We ask a Dutchman that every week. Today: Noah (35) is a patent attorney at a high-tech company. The company needs patents to protect inventions and innovations. Noah arranges that protection and ensures that the company can make products without being bothered by patents from others.

What do you earn?
“Gross 8820 euros and net that is 5523 euros.”

Happy with?
“I think that is a difficult question. On the one hand, I know that I earn twice the average. On the other hand, I work in a niche profession and I have a protected profession. I also have a legal education and a PhD in physics. I had to put in a lot of effort to be able to do this job.

My wife thinks it’s unfair that I earn more when we both work just as hard. I think the difference in salary between two professions is not in who works harder. It depends on supply and demand and what the commercial value of your work is for your employer.”

What are your fringe benefits?
“The most important thing is the performance bonus. It is between 10 and 20 percent of your annual salary and depends on the performance of the company and myself. Last year I received about the maximum bonus. I can also have 13 ADV days paid out and I receive a representation allowance of 104 euros net per month. And finally, my commute is reimbursed, which is 362 euros gross per month.”

Also read at Intermediary: These are the highest paying jobs in the Netherlands

Do you have to work hard for your money?
That is a relative term to me. During my PhD trajectory I worked 70 hours a week and I only went on holiday once in four years. So now it’s okay. According to my contract I work 40 hours, but in reality I work more hours. The higher you are in the tree, the more expectations there are. I’m an ambitious person, so I think it’s part of it.”

Have you negotiated your salary?
“No, I didn’t negotiate hard. I chose this job mainly because it was more challenging for me. My manager is very satisfied with my performance and my ratings are above average. I get a good bonus every year and I don’t push any further.”

Would you want that?
“No, I am not a very hard negotiator. I do my job to the best of my ability and so far I am appreciated. That is also important to me.”


In the future I would like to take on more responsibilities, so that my work is appreciated even more

Do you know what your colleagues earn?
,,I know what scale some of my colleagues are in, but I don’t know exactly which rung. We’re not talking about that either.”

What do you like to spend your money on?
“I am a saver by nature and my wife and I live quite frugally. So often my salary goes to the savings account and we mainly invest in bricks and shares.”

How do you see your future?
“I see myself as an ambitious person. My motto is: you only live once. I want to do well for my employer, work hard and work efficiently. In the future I would like to take on more responsibilities, so that my work is appreciated even more. Then there will also be a different salary. For me it is not a goal to earn 10,000 euros per month or more. I believe in myself and if you are smart and work hard you will be fine. Also in terms of salary.”

Does Noah earn enough?

Age: 35
Number of years of relevant work experience: 12
Number of working hours per week: 40 in practice more than 40
Education level: WO
Function: Patent attorney
Industry: High-tech
Country of headquarters: The Netherlands

Vacancies for similar positions show that the salary for someone with the same activities as Noah is around 6000 euros gross. “It is difficult to name an average salary for my position. Patent attorney remains a niche profession and there is quite a bit of scarcity. The negotiating position is relatively good, so the salary can vary considerably here and there.”

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What is the Salary Guide? 7 Questions & Answers

1. The salary is based on how many hours a week you work?

The salary is based on a 40-hour working week.

2. Does the calculated salary include or exclude holiday pay?

The monthly salary shown is exclusive of holiday pay.

3. Does the calculated gross salary include or exclude commissions and/or bonuses?

The predicted gross salary excludes variable components such as commissions, bonuses, etc.

4. Does the calculated gross salary include a 13th month?

No, the predicted gross salary is a ‘normal’ monthly salary without settlement of a 13th or 14th month.

5. I work for a multinational company with 10,000 employees worldwide. However, the Dutch team consists of 50 employees. What do I choose for company size?

The size of the organization is limited to the number of colleagues in the Netherlands.

6. What does budget authority mean?

This is the maximum amount you can spend for professional purposes and for which you do not need permission from a manager.

7. How often is the information that serves as the basis for the National Vacancy Bank’s Salary Guide updated?

Salaries and benefits are not static data, they are constantly evolving.

Do you want a higher salary? This is how you arrange it:
