‘My secret? Love for fellow man’

Emma niccolson: “I say hello to everyone at the bus stop, including young people. For example, with older people I say: good morning! To younger people I say: hello! You often have a chat. I make contact easily.

“I lived in The Hague for many years with my first husband, we were together for almost fifty years. After his death I met someone else, from Delft. And then I moved to Delft. For the love. Yes, you can also be in love in your old age. Then you can also start again. And I had started again.

“We got to know each other, it went well. We had a great time. But over time it turned out that we were not meant for each other after all.

“I came to live here four months ago, in The Hague, near Kijkduin beach. They say you shouldn’t transplant old trees, but I don’t notice that saying!

“I’m really enjoying it here. There are one hundred and fifty residents in this service flat and there are many activities. I immediately met a lot of new people, so I’m not lonely. A neighbor came to see me this week. We had a delicious meal. Marinated cod with boiled potatoes and gingerbread. And a glass of orange juice.”

Jeu de boules

“I usually get up around eight o’clock. In the summer, when the sun is shining, I do that earlier. I do everything in the house myself, including cleaning.

“And I participate every morning [televisieprogramma] Netherlands Moves. I also walk outside every day. I’m not a beach person, but you can enjoy nice walks among the trees around here. When it rains, I walk up and down the hallways here in the building and up and down the stairs.

“I let my children do my internet banking. That’s what I’m wary of – making mistakes, you know. And I’m not technical, I don’t like having to touch buttons with the television and radio. It gets set once, and then I leave it like that.

“I recently started a new hobby: bocce! I go there twice a week now. You can use a magnet to pick up the ball, but fortunately I can bend smoothly, so I don’t need that yet. The chairman of the pétanque club said: you are good at it, and that is because you enjoy it!

“What I love is watching sports. And I always watch Today Inside. I think that is a very nice program. Another favorite of mine is Strictly Come Dancing on the BBC.

“I was born in Suriname, when it was still a Dutch colony. The school books were in Dutch and we usually spoke Dutch at home.

“In 1962 I came to the Netherlands with my first husband. I was 29. I especially liked it cold! Immediately the following winter was that of 1963, Reinier Paping won the Elfstedentocht. Even the North Sea was frozen. We saw people skating for the first time, which I liked. But skating yourself? No, I never started that!

“The Dutch people have welcomed us very well. We first stayed in a guest house, but soon we found a floor and later a house. My husband was a construction engineer, he applied and the next day he had a job. Our son was born in the hospital in Scheveningen in 1963 and our daughter in 1965.”

Housewives Association

“I soon became a member of a housewives association. I was the only woman from Suriname, but that didn’t matter. Everyone was very nice. It was a very nice time and I got to know the Netherlands even better.

“I never like it when people argue intensely. Because one wants to be right and the other wants to be right too. There are differences and that is nice. Everyone is unique. I think it is important that you have respect for each other and assume that others have good intentions.

“When my children were in primary school, I started caring for the elderly as a volunteer. I did the shopping and kept the old people company, who were sometimes lonely. I really liked that and when my children were a bit older, I found a permanent job in elderly care. I did that for another twenty years until I retired. I thought it was very nice work.”


“My children went to the same school as the princes, the Liberal Christian Lyceum here in The Hague. I think the Netherlands has a beautiful royal family. And there is one thing I like about the king: that he likes connection. That’s what makes him likeable. I honestly believe he means that. And what could be better than connection?

“I celebrated my 90th birthday in September. There were thirty people. It was very nice! I really enjoyed it. Yes, it was really nice. I have also received so many calls and texts. I didn’t know I was so loved.

“People often ask: what is your secret that you grow old so healthily and still look so good? I think the answer is love. Love for fellow man. Think positively, show understanding for others. Don’t judge anyone, seek connection. And yes, who knows, I might fall in love again. That could be. Why not?”
