“My life is verpest”: Rayane (28) has been stolen since she was stolen Inland

LiedekerkeOn thanks to the penalty, Rayane (28) was arrested. Hoe dat kan? The man from the Liedekerke will be a 12-year-old boy who will take part in a national identity. Now – two years later – the result was that it was still old. Bij onze collega’s van RTL does not have good results. “This is what my life is worth and what I’m about to eat.”

Flashback to 2007: 12-year-old Rayane wants to register her plot at the Molenbeek Police Department. “The agent is suspected of being suspected of various incidents in other names. This is a real niet from the school. “I had a quick success in the door and I never had anything.”

Het hard van zijn mother, which hem verzelde, was even blijven stilstaan. “Ze toonden een hele waslijst van misdaden the hij Ziehezegd op zijn kerfstok had. For me there was a small shower.”

“Soms mistreated”

The reality is bleek happy from its on-guilty party: slachtoffer van identiteitsdiefstal, luidde de conclusie. Helaas was de kous daarmee niet af.

The name of the Rayane state is always registered in the policy database. En been bred? That’s all there is to it now…

“Bij elke controle moet ik mee naar the politiebureau en moet ik DNA afstaan. “Soms slaan ze mij in de boeien, soms word ik mishandeld omdat ze Denken dat ze met a gevaarlijk individu te maken hebben”, aldus de jongeman.

“Cel vol dronkaards”

Rayane remembers that she was a minor and had a traumatic experience in the air in Zaventem. “Tijdens de controle will my passport be refused. I should try out the situation with the legs, so it can be placed on a wall of onbegrip. I’m going to be accused, over and over again in my life, there were spurs of mishandling things. Uiteindelijk belandde ik in a cel vol dronkaards. Toen ze besefen dat ze de verkeerde hadden, hebben ze me terugbringen toar de luchthaventerminal en me daar in m’n eentje asterngelaten.”

“I know my zoon mishandled word, so he can never do anything,” Aldus de mother van Rayane. © RTL

This situation sleeps only a few years ago, and there is also a black room for the family. “Bij elke controle burst de hel los”, aldus zijn mother. “Everything comes back as if in a flashback. I know that my word has been mistreated, but I can’t do it myself. Zelf’s prayers may not be in the omstandigheden.”

“Schrik vanwege politiesirene”

Thanks to the various sounds of laughter, he hasn’t changed yet. Rayane overwhelms her, away from Belgium. “Everything in my life is worth it and it will be sent as soon as possible. I know that the problem arises with its identity. He has people who don’t trust me here and know me consciously. “It was frozen and washed aft.”

A car copy is started for Rayane beforehand. “As I have a number plate on my name, it is dubbel to have a lot of control. After all, I was never allowed to come to sea. Van zodra ik a politiesirene hoor, krijg ik schrik. The negative impact on my life is gigantic.”

“Bijna onvermijdbaar”

Rayane is in good condition. Het controleorgaan op de Politionele Informatie ontvangt jaarlijks tien à vijftien klachten in the genre.

“Someone who has become a slachtoffer has been van identiteitsdiefstal zal bij a politiecontrole altijd gearresteerd,” aldus voorzitter Frank Schuermans. “That’s bijna onvermijdbaar.”

As a result, he can be thought of from the situation for agents who verduidelijken. “The relevant information should be included in the databank of politics. Slachtoffers van identiteitsdiefstal can van onze dienst also a special formulier krijgen that ze bij a politiecontrole cannen tonen.”

“Good miraclelossing”

Soms wordt Rayane snel vrijgelaten, soms kan het uren duren. “We on the other hand of the various political services here have an opportunity to react,” Aldus Schuermans. “Volgens mij is now niet het geval. Helaas said he had a mirakeloplossing. We want a suspected suspect to be arrested, even if he or she is presented with a valid identity.”

Opvallend: Rayane is no longer an identity document of another document with crucial information available. “Hoe de dadder mij op het spoor gekomen is… Ik heb er werkelijk geen idea van,” he sounds.


Algemeen spoken zijn slachtoffers van identiteitsdiefstal vaak het slachtoffer van hun naïviteit, says advocate Jean-Pierre Balthasar. This is explained by the following tips.

– There is little information on social media.

– Verscheur altijd papers documenten alvorens ze weg te smijten.

– Verander vaak had all the passwords.

– You don’t have to pay via the post office or the telephone.

“Snelheid is code word”

“As you also have the opportunity to identify yourself, the code word is fast,” the lawyer said. “Verwittig zo vlug mogelijk de politie.” Via DOC STOP, te bereiken via the free number 00800 2123 2123, the identity card can also be blocked.

In the Geval van Rayane cite the real thing that is said: a verklaring van benadeelde person afleggen, zodat hij toch still a damage vergoeding kan iron as de dader ooit gevat wordt.
