‘My husband thinks I’m crazy’

Angela de Jong is just sitting at the table with the men of Today Inside tonight, even though Johan Derksen is under fire because of the ‘candle story’. “My husband says I’m crazy.”


Although Margriet Vroomans has called on women not to go to Today Inside anymore, Angela de Jong will just go to the talk show tonight. She agrees with the fierce criticism that Johan Derksen has received on his candle story, but wants to discuss it with the men themselves.

Angela goes

Angela will therefore not join Roos Schlikker, who will stop as a regular guest at VI. She told the talk show Op1 last night: “Well, my husband was just like Roos, I have to say. That was a nice discussion. He said, ‘Don’t go, you’re crazy. You shouldn’t sit there and legitimize it.’”

However, she does not listen to her husband. “Ehmm, well, I was talking about it with some other people and they convinced me that if I’m so tough here to criticize them, and I’m at Goedemorgen Nederland to criticize them, that I should also sit there to say that criticism straight to their face.”

Cancel culture

It is not a good idea to remove VI from the tube, Angela added this morning in Good morning Netherlands. “Well, that’s called every few years and I’m not in favor of the whole cancel culture. I find that too easy. If you take them off now, they would become a kind of martyrs of free speech.”

Does she think VI’s men are going to stop doing it themselves? “I have often thought that those men blew up themselves and that it was beyond saving. A few years ago with that whole racism guy. I don’t see it happening now and again: it doesn’t have to be.”


Angela doubted whether she would still go to VI. “I’ve really thought about it. That appointment has been in place for two or three weeks, as is often the case there. I thought, should I go now? On the one hand I can understand the consideration of a Roos Schlikker not to sit there anymore, but I also find that a bit too easy.”

She continues: “I was with Op1 last night, I’m with you now. If I’m a guy, I’ll just sit there and say it to his face.”

Strong woman

Presenter Maaike Timmerman surprised: “Guy? You are a very strong woman just Angela!”

Angela: “Well, so to speak, you know what I mean. Maybe I’ll get people all over me for this too. But if I’m criticizing here, I have to say it to his face. I’m curious. I still have some questions.”

All in all, Angela will be in VI tonight, at 9.30 pm on SBS 6. “If they still want me, I don’t know either.”
