“My goal is to be at Ferrari for many years”

04/20/2023 at 17:19


The man from Madrid assures that the “invented rumors” about Audi’s possible interest in hiring him by 2026 make him “laugh, on the one hand, and on the other, get angry”

“I wrote a message to Fernando Alonso about what happened in Australia to apologize for the slight touch we had,” reveals Carlos

Carlos Sainz, who is facing his third season at Ferrari, ensures that the “invented rumors” about Audi’s possible interest in hiring him for 2026 make him “laugh, on the one hand and, on the other, get angry” and assured that his goal is to be “for many years ” at the Italian team, where he feels very comfortable.

Despite his youth (28), Sainz is a veteran of the Formula One circuit, in which it celebrates its ninth season. The Madrid driver, in an event organized by Estrella Galicia, acknowledges that the year has not started well, not achieving any victory or pole position, but he is confident that in the next few races he can be in the top positions fighting for everything.

Three races have been held so far this season. What balance does it make?

It has not been an easy start, we all expected a little more. To be able to fight for victories and podiums. Red Bull has taken a very big step forward and the rest of us have been a little behind. Now we’re working to make sure we cut that gap and that lead as soon as possible.

After the incident in Australia, in which a five-second penalty cost him nine positions, the FIA ​​decided not to review Ferrari’s request. Do you think that is an unfair decision?

I will continue to think the same for a long time, what is true is that time heals. You don’t have to look back but I can’t stop thinking that it was a severe and unfair penalty, that cost me too many positions in that race. Virtually an exclusion. It is something that shows that there is still a lot of work to be done with the stewards to improve this sport, which sometimes gives you surprises like that.

Have you spoken with Fernando Alonso after what happened?

I wrote him a message about what happened to apologize for the slight touch we had. In the end when you share the track and starts, especially the first five who went out to death, there will always be touches, friction and it is normal. I have a very good relationship with Fernando and that is not going to change.

From the last race to the next one in Baku there will be three weeks. She has been in Portugal doing a training camp. How has she been?

It has gone well, although it is rare to have a three-week break at the beginning of the season, when you are beginning to pick up the rhythm of the competition. He has helped to recover physical form, to analyze what has happened and now, together with the engineers, to think about what is to come.

Where can the performance of the car be improved?

We have practically all fronts open. We want to improve all areas. At the moment we see that Red Bull is superior in all. You have to be aggressive with the development plan and I see a compromised factory in Maranello. We are working as hard as we can and I don’t know how long it will take us to close that gap after the pre-season tests.

Do you also see Aston Martin and Mercedes a little above Ferrari?

No, I think they have been a bit more consistent than us, especially Aston Martin, who have a better car in the race. Mercedes is more irregular. We are focused on the pace of the race, because after one lap we can slip between them. Although they are ahead, we look at Red Bull, which is the reference.

How do you envision the next Grand Prix in Baku?

It is an interesting circuit, in which things always happen. It is the first sprint race of the year, with a different format, all new. We have been preparing it in the simulator with the engineers and a different weekend is presented that surely brings some surprises.

With the passage of time, do you learn to handle the pressure better?

Yes, it’s something I’ve been training in since I was eleven years old when I got into a kart. I used to get more nervous before than now when I get into a Formula One car. It’s something you get used to because with the maturity of 28 years, compared to eleven or thirteen, it always helps. You see everything with perspective, more calmly. Now I am enjoying these years a lot. It is a unique experience because I am fulfilling a dream.

Does the psychological aspect work in any special way?

I have a sports psychologist. I use it when I need it most. We all go through moments when we feel better than others. Apart from that, sport not only prepares me physically but also mentally.

How are you seeing Fernando Alonso at this start of the season?

As I expected, honestly. When you give Fernando a competitive car, he puts it as far forward as he can be. It is a very good start to the season but without surprises, because whenever he has had a medium-good car he has managed to put it there. That shows you how dependent we drivers are today on a car.

This week your name has come out as an Audi driver in 2026. What is true about it?

I’m quite surprised. Starting to talk about 2026 when I don’t even have a contract in 2025 surprises me, especially that people make things up. On the one hand, it makes me laugh and, on the other, it annoys me that invented rumors come out without corroboration. No one will ever go to that journalist and say why he wrote something that was a lie. My goal is to be at Ferrari for many years, I am comfortable here and I am in a dream.
