“My friends spread terrible lies about me” – Twerker Tinze reveals her rough experience on TV today

Participating in the Petoliset series has brought Tinze’s old traumas to the surface.

Twerker Tia-Maria “Tinze” Sokka opens up Traitors in the final episode about his harsh experiences.

– I have experienced a terrible, years-long paint job.

By painting, Tinze doesn’t mean the faceless strangers of social media, but surprisingly his own loved ones.

– Many of my colleagues and friends or people who have previously been in my life have turned against me en masse, Tinze reveals.

– They have spread terrible lies about me.

In Petollis, Tinze is allied with Elina Gustafsson. Four

According to Tinze, people have claimed that he is not really as positive as he is. It has also been questioned whether he encourages other people. Tinze thinks it’s encouraging.

– I think they tried to paint a monster that is mean to all people. It was said all the time that what I am and how I appear is a fake.

Tinze and Jade Nyström have disagreed on how Petottilis should be played. Four

Petolisten has brought to the surface old, unpleasant feelings about painting.

– The game repeats my trauma, when I thought that I and About life (Gustafsson) are attempted to be fraudulent.

Both Tinze and Elina are loyal. One of the treacherous, Janne Porkka, has already been voted out. There are two more cheats left: Sita Salminen and Heikki Sorsa.

Treacherous today at 20:00 on Nelose. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
