“My death is apparently a wet dream Linda de Mol”

Angela de Jong responds to Linda de Mol’s spiteful attack on her. “Having me end up for dead at a talk show table with a bloodied skull is her wet dream.”

© NPO, SBS 6

Anyone who thinks that Linda de Mol cannot sink any further after her childish and vindictive columns has not yet watched her new drama series Five Live. In this failed series about the television world, she let a fictional version of Angela de Jong end up bleeding at a talk show table yesterday. Very sad, critics say.

Angela responds

The real Angela is now reacting to this yet another cowardly attack from Linda. “Let’s be honest: letting me end up dead at a talk show table with a bloodied skull is not only the wet dream of Linda de Mol, but in any case of all her colleagues at Talpa and three quarters of her other colleagues in the snake pit in Hilversum. I can handle that,” she writes in the AD.

A sporty reaction from Angela, but Linda makes it clear for the umpteenth time that she has a complete inability to deal with criticism and that she goes very far. The most painful thing is that Linda thinks she is making fun of TV colleagues in the series, while she mainly exposes how megalomaniac her own blinders have become.

Total obsession

Linda aptly illustrates, according to Angela, how stars like herself are ‘totally obsessed’ with themselves and have a complete ‘inability for any critical self-reflection’. She points to the scene where Linda’s character, a TV star, is jogging across the moor with her personal trainer and two best friends: her editor-in-chief and makeup artist.

This is just one on one Linda, according to Angela. “Many TV stars only surround themselves in the course of their career with people they have known for years and who are loyal to the bone because of their fixed salary. With that, those celebrities are slowly losing touch with the ordinary world and they really start to believe that they are God.”


Then Angela deals the final blow. “Because those faithful pumpjacks never say things like, ‘Sorry Lin, you’re not good enough as an actress for this lead role.’”

“Let alone say something like: ‘Therapeutic it is very good to write off your frustrations about everything and everyone in the showbiz world from recent months and years in a drama series or editorial, but we are not going to broadcast or publish this for your own good. . We wish you a better comeback.’”

“That’s what that annoying TV columnist should do.”


The support for Angela is great now that she is constantly attacked by Linda. Media strategist Willem-Albert Bol: “Who advises Linda de Mol in these difficult times for her? She is an icon and should not be tempted into personal resentment against the media and in this case Angela de Jong. I am a bit disappointed by her environment that they move along.”

Playboy boss Maarten Bloem: “That chopping on Angela de Jong from the Watergraafsmeer and Laren is pathetic.”

And lawyer Sascha Janssen: “The face of the most feminist magazine in the Netherlands does not have the best advisers and co-actors around him. No one said: this is ugly rancor.”


The controversial fragment from Five Live:
