“My dad, the super nose” – everything about the super noses

The cult films around Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger are celebrating their 40th anniversary: ​​It all started in 1982 with “Pirate Channel Powerplay” and since then the super noses have attracted ten million viewers to the cinemas. Now the documentary “Mein Papa, die Supernase” by Gottschalk’s son, Roman, sheds light on the background of the film series.

“Mein Papa, die Supernase” will be broadcast on RTL on August 20 at 11:00 p.m. All four films in the Supernasen series can be seen the following day.

After the success of “Pirate Station Powerplay” followed “Die Supernasen” (1983), “Zwei Nasentanken Super” (1984) and “Die Einsteiger” (1985). The permanently unsuccessful main characters Tommy and Mike are always looking for money and adventures.

In addition to the two main actors, Evelyn Hamann, Katja Flint, Dagmar Berghoff, Anja Kruse and Udo Kier can also be seen.

Background documentation

In the documentary “My Papa, the super nose!” Roman Gottschalk travels from the USA to Lake Wörthersee and examines the phenomenon of super noses. This is the first time he is in front of the camera with his father. In the course of the film, they visit well-known film locations together with Mike Krüger, meet former companions and film extras. Here is an overview of the special program on RTL on July 20th and 21st.

“Mein Papa, die Supernase” will be broadcast on RTL on August 20 at 11:00 p.m. At midnight, Krüger and Gottschalk take over the RTL radio station for “Pirate Station Powerplay V2.0”, which is also broadcast on TV. The next day, from 8:55 a.m., all four films in the Supernasen series can be seen.
