Mützenich to China’s President Xi: Stop Putin’s war

SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich has appealed to China’s President Xi Jinping to speak to Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin for an end to the Russian attack on Ukraine.

“President Xi, change course. Stop Putin’s war. Only then can China help shape an international order for peace in the future,” said Mützenich on Sunday in the speech on the government statement by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in the Bundestag in Berlin.

The Chinese government must ask itself “how long it can withstand the tension between its foreign policy principles and a pitiless interest-oriented policy.”

The Russian attack is the return to a warlike great power policy, criticized Mützenich. “There is a risk of wildfire,” he warned. That is why they hope that other governments outside the West will support the sanctions against Russia.

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He is sure that the overwhelming majority of the world’s population condemns Russia’s aggression. At the same time, the SPD politician emphasized that the UN Security Council was correct in trying to condemn the Russian aggression in the strongest possible terms. Russia’s veto doesn’t change that. “Putin has forfeited his veto morally and politically,” said Mützenich to applause.
