Mútua Terrassa promotes a study to try to define a specific diagnostic test for persistent covid

The foundation Terrassa Mutual Teaching and Research has started a study to try to define a specific diagnostic test for persistent covid.

The researchers will metabolomic tests –the analysis of all the substances that the human being has inside the organism– to try to determine if there is a pattern of alteration of the substances that is repeated in patients with a covid-19 persistent.

In order to compare the results, at least 450 people of up to three population groups: patients who have not passed the covid; patients who have had acute covid, and patients who, in addition to passing the disease, also have persistent symptoms. Results are expected within two years.

An “important and little-known” health problem

The scientific coordinator of the Fundación Docència i Recerca Mútua Terrassa and principal investigator of the study, Tomas Perez Porcunaexplained that metabolomics is “the best technique” to be able to establish biomarkers Y set diagnostics for most of the diseases that exist.

In this sense, Dr. Pérez recalls that currently the diagnosis of persistent covid is made based on the patient’s symptoms and ruling out other possible diseases with similar symptoms.

“It’s a health problem important and relatively little known“, he maintains about the disease.

A concert on Thursday in Sant Cugat to collect funds

Related news

To contribute to the investigation of persistent covid, the ‘Fundació Mútua de Terrassa’ has also organized a benefit concert to be offered by the Cuartet Casals and entitled ‘La recerca és vida’. The concert will be this Thursday at the Teatre-Auditori de Sant Cugat.

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