Muslim and LGBT: Mohammed (22), Hind (29) and Abdellah (29) testify. “I had to go into therapy and drink concoctions to ‘cure’ my homosexuality” | Interior

According to ‘Big Brother’ participant Ali Burhan, homosexuality within Islam will remain a problem: “It’s best that you keep something like that to yourself”

‘Big Brother’ participant Ali Burhan made striking statements last night on the talk show ‘The table of four’. He responded to the canceled Queer Iftar in De Roma in Antwerp. The intention there was to create a safe space for Muslims from the LGBTQIA+ community to celebrate an iftar, the meal that Muslims are allowed to eat after sunset during the month of fasting. The event was canceled for security reasons, as it would go against their faith for some Muslims. Ali Burhan says: “People in my group of friends would never accept that. That will continue to be a problem.”
