Musician Alma kaksonen says he uses a testosterone preparation: “You can call me Ano”

Alma’s twin has become familiar alongside his sister.

The duo at Linna’s party in 2017. Jenni Gästgivar

Finnish musician Alma, aka Alma Miettinen’s twin, talks about new winds on Instagram. He says in his update that he is now called Ano.

The first photo in the publication is Ano’s selfie, where she poses for the camera from a lower perspective wearing a hood. The second picture shows a picture of a testosterone preparation called Nebido, which contains testosterone undecanoate.

– I have been using T for ten months. You can call me Ano when we meet, he writes in the caption, referring to the medicinal product.

Ano’s profile shows that she uses the gender-neutral terms they/them about herself.

The comment field of the publication was instantly filled with red hearts. Commentators included, among others Maria Veitola.

– Hi Ano. You are amazing! Veitola commented.

Alma has represented together with her twin, for example, at the 2017 Linna party, as well as Veitola’s program Maria Veitola in Yökylä.

Ano also performed with Alma in her time as her double. In the spring, Alma told Iltalehti that there were so many disagreements between her and her twin on the road in the United States that they decided to leave the cooperation. Today, Ano is studying in Finland.

– No one was thrown from the concert bus, Alma specified their distance.

Alma and Ano in an interview with Iltalehti in 2019.
