Musical PR stunt for “lonely” turbine to pump Russian gas to Europe | Abroad

The German multinational Siemens is asking for ‘help’ for the turbine that has been the focus of a diplomatic row between Moscow and Berlin for weeks. The machine is needed for pumping Russian gas to Germany. However, the Kremlin refuses to receive the repaired turbine. That is why Siemens asks internet users to put together a playlist that can keep the “lonely” machine company. A daring PR stunt.

The turbine is part of the international Nord Stream 1 pipeline that pumps Russian gas to Germany. Before the imposition of sanctions because of the war in Ukraine, the device was transported to Montreal, Canada for service. The North American country refused to send the machine directly to Russia after repair, and passed on the turbine to Germany. She is still there a few weeks later. Because despite German attempts, the Russians refuse to receive the device.

According to Olaf Scholz, the German foreign minister, there is no reason why the Russians should not receive the machine. The European Commission also announced earlier this month that the sanctions due to the war in Ukraine do not apply to Nord Stream nor the turbine. Russia would still thwart the transport by continuing to dig into documents for incomprehensible reasons.

Musical accompaniment

However, according to the Russian state gas company Gazprom, the turbine is needed to build up sufficient pressure so that more gas can be pumped to Germany again. In June, the Russians cut supply through Nord Stream in two steps to 40 percent of normal levels. Following the planned maintenance shutdown last month, Gazprom further cut deliveries to one-fifth of its normal gas supply.

Siemens is now trying to win the PR battle with the use of social media: on Twitter the company posted a tweet on Wednesday asking for help “Our famous turbine is still not where it needs to be. She stands lonely on our site in Mülheim. Let’s do the poor thing a favor and put together a playlist. We start with ‘So Lonely’ by The Police. What are your suggestions?”

Since then, hundreds of suggestions have poured in, from U2’s ‘With or Without You’ and Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ to Celine Dion’s ‘All By My Self’ and a slew of songs from German bands.

But not everyone can appreciate the company’s stunt: “Siemens really needs better PR people. In which universe is this funny?” writes Štefan Auer on Twitter. “Siemens doesn’t deserve a playlist because the company is quite tone deaf,” responds journalist Sam Morgan.

Because while families in Europe are tightening their belts and worrying about a possible gas shortage in the winter, the company is trying to be funny on Twitter. Others blame Siemens for actually enabling the supply of Russian gas by maintaining the turbine, with which the Kremlin partly finances the war against Ukraine.

The German multinational has not yet responded to the commotion caused by the message on Twitter.

