Musical greatness Tosca Opdam shines, as one of the most striking young Dutch violinists, in Museum De Buitenplaats Eelde during Ogentroost

On the first day of the new exhibition Eyetroost – From the art collection of the UMCG, Museum De Buitenplaats offers violinist Tosca Opdam and pianist Vital Stahievitch a stage on 24 April.

Since Tosca Opdam won the Oskar Back Competition in 2011, she has been regarded as one of the most outstanding young Dutch violinists. The ‘overwhelming musical personality’, as the Volkskrant called her, developed into an adventurous musician who divides her time between the Netherlands and the United States.

Together with Belarusian pianist Vital Stahievitch, who works in the Netherlands, Tosca presents a program that takes you from the full romanticism of Brahms via the Czech accent of Janácek to the cinematic imagination of an early work by Korngold.

Tosca Opdam plays a Matteo Gofriller violin from 1700, generously donated to her by a private individual.

Tickets can be purchased through the museum’s website or at the museum counter prior to the concert, provided it is not sold out.

A special arrangement will be available prior to the concert. At 4 pm you can participate in a low-tea including tea or coffee and various homemade snacks. You can order individual tickets for this online.

Concert starts at 5 p.m.

This article is the product of a collaboration between the editors of Dagblad van het Noorden and Groninger Gezinsbode
