Musical chairs again for SIVO: festival to Kerkplein after all

It is still too early for dancing, but musical chairs are in full swing at SIVO. The folkloric dance festival has to move for the third time, once again to Kerkplein in the village center of Borger.

The vicissitudes surrounding the dance party are somewhat like a farce. Initially, the festival would settle on the sports field at Esdal College. Due to the presence of nature in the form of birds and bats, the organization was requested to move to the center.

Because a time-consuming ecological research would actually be necessary. Not an ideal choice either, says spokesman Sjoerd Looijenga. “We were not allowed to place fences at that location, so we could not charge an entrance fee.” In addition, the village center is crossed by the provincial road N374. So not optimal in terms of safety, says Looijenga.

That is why the decision was made to return to the original location. The festival would be set up on a smaller scale, so that no ecological research would be necessary. After consultation with the municipality, it has now been decided to return to the church square. “But a more central place with more charisma and visibility,” says Looijenga.

The entrance problem has also been solved: the municipality contributes financially to the event. Looijenga: “An amount will be taken from the party fund for the 25th anniversary of the municipality. Borger-Odoorn will compensate us in part with this. We then set up the festival as economically as possible. And that way everyone is happy.”

Looijenga does not know whether the move has anything to do with a complaint received by the municipality from a local resident about the Esdal location. “It was not reported to us.”

To guarantee safety, crush barriers are placed along the N374. Via a lock, visitors can move from one side of the square to the other side. “That way you prevent people from just walking onto the road.”

For the organization it means that the scenarios are turned upside down for the third time. Looijenga sees the humor in it. “We haven’t been able to organize a festival for the past three years. Well, we’ve made up for the damage: now we’re organizing it four times in a few weeks.”

The SIVO festival will be held in Borger from 28 to 30 July.
