Musetti in the quarters of the ATP in Marrakech

On the red clay of Marrakech the 20 year old Tuscan passes 6-1 6-7 (3) 6-3 in two and a half hours. Coach Tartarini: “We are happy, he is playing well”, he is back on the pitch on Friday for a place in the semifinals

He had warned us: “With me you have to get used to suffering, I guess.” And in fact, even today in the ATP250 in Marrakech, the Tuscan has kept everyone on their toes. But the important thing is the result, the important thing is that Simone Tartarini’s pupil has grabbed the quarter-finals of the tournament by overcoming 6-1 6-7 (3) 6-3, after almost two and a half hours of struggle, the Spaniard Carlos Taberner, n.96 of the world ranking. Taberner had won the only precedent between the two in the final round of Madrid qualifiers last year.

First set in with Lorenzo who immediately took a break advantage (2-), returned it (2-1) but then never lost a game until 6-1 with which he closed the first set. Could it all go smoothly and close in two sets? No, at the start of the second Taberner was finally able to hold a shift (for the first time in the match). Eventually he decided a tiebreaker that Musetti played badly and that Taberner grabbed 7-3. Lorenzo’s reaction was good, climbing up to 3-0 and good at controlling his opponent without risk until 6-3, ending with the fifth ace. “He is playing well, we are happy – his coach Simone Tartarini told us -, and the most important thing is health. Because since the beginning of the year we have not been very lucky. Now we hope to go on like this”.

Towards the semifinal

On Friday in the quarterfinals – the seventh in his career for him, the third in this 2022 after Pune and Rotterdam – Musetti will find on the other side of the net the winner of the match between the Tunisian Malek Jaziri, n.329, and the Serbian Laslo Djere, n .55.
