Murderer (51) of Milica van Doorn suddenly died in prison | Inland

51-year-old Hüseyin A., who was convicted on appeal in February for raping and killing Milica van Doorn (19) in 1992, has died in prison. His lawyer Gerald Roethof and lawyer for the relatives of Milica, Richard Korver, confirm this.

According to Roethof, there are no indications of a crime, nor of suicide. “It will be determined tomorrow, as I understand from the police, whether or not an autopsy will be performed on the body.”

Murder of Milica

Van Doorn was raped and killed with extreme violence in the night of 7 to 8 June 1992 in the Zaan district of Kogerveld. The perpetrator left her badly beaten and half undressed in a ditch, covered with reeds. The case remained unsolved for a long time. A. came into the picture as a suspect in 2017 after a so-called DNA kinship investigation in which A. did not want to participate, but his brother did.

The court imposed a twenty-year prison sentence on A. in 2018. He appealed against it. He was then sentenced to nineteen years and seven months in prison. During the trial, A. continued to deny. Two weeks ago, the civil chamber of the court in Amsterdam ruled that he had to pay damages of 10,000 euros to both the father and sister of the victim, for their psychological damage.

High Council

The criminal case was still pending in the Supreme Court. “Ultimately, Milica van Doorn’s criminal case ends without the suspect’s guilt (or innocence) being irrevocably established. I think that is extra wry for everyone,” says Roethof.

The lawyer also says he is surprised that the media and the relatives of Milica were informed of A.’s death earlier than A.’s family itself. “This really should have been different. (…) Obviously the police must act carefully and I understand that in that context the family is personally visited to report the death, but that this happens after the next of kin and others already know…”

Richard Korver, lawyer for the relatives of Milica, says when asked that the death of Hüseyin A. ‘puts a big line under the case’. He does not want to make any further announcements.
