Murder weapon Sjaak Groot probably also used in other violent robberies

The pistol with which Berkhouter Sjaak Groot was shot in a house robbery was probably also used in other violent robberies in the region. This became clear during an interim hearing against one of the now six suspects, Ruviëni M.

On June 14, 2021, Sjaak Groot is startled by noise. When he goes to look, he comes face to face with a group of robbers. A struggle ensues and the 72-year-old man is shot. He dies with the phone still in his hand that he used to call 911.

The shock is great, and in the course of time a total of seven suspects are arrested. One of them died after he committed suicide† He did that with the weapon that Sjaak Groot had also been shot with. And now it appears from gunshot residue research that the gun was most likely used in several violent robberies between Hoorn and Alkmaar.

Shot multiple times

According to the Public Prosecution Service, a gang of robbers is active that, in addition to the deadly robbery on Sjaak Groot, is responsible for another five robberies. Victims were also assaulted and shot at, but survived.

Ruvieni M. (37) from Rotterdam is one of them according to the justice system and had to appear in an interim hearing today. He is now suspected of being involved in the deadly robbery of Sjaak Groot.

But as it turns out, at least there’s going to be a robbery in there North Scharwoude added to. A resident was shot and a neighbor tied up. “And possibly even more. We intend to link other suspects to multiple robberies as well,” said the public prosecutor.

She said that the investigation into the gang of robbers is therefore still in full swing. This could also lead to more arrests. “People are still being arrested. This investigation is not an empty shell,” said the officer.

Friend of suspect arrested

For example, a 39-year-old woman from Rotterdam was arrested last week. It turns out to be the girlfriend of Ruviëni M.. Like him, she is linked to the deadly robbery of Sjaak Groot and the one in Noord-Scharwoude.

She was provisionally released last Friday due to ‘special personal circumstances’. But what they are is unclear. In any case, she is not allowed to have contact with her boyfriend Ruviëni M., and that is difficult for him, he says.

‘I really want to go home’

“That makes me very emotional, broken. Normally we had daily contact. It breaks me, and I don’t sleep,” said M. at the end of the session. He also denies any involvement in the robberies. “I have nothing to do with this case. I really want to go home. Please do your best for me,” he addressed the judge.

His lawyer also asked to be released pending trial, but according to the Public Prosecution Service, the accusations are too serious. The judge has yet to make a decision on that. If he has to remain in custody, he must appear again on August 22.
