Murder motorcyclist: suspect shows which road he traveled

Murder motorcyclist: suspect shows which road he traveled

The facts took place in the evening along the IJzerdijk in Stuivekenskerke, near Diksmuide. Ilir S. from Koekelare was killed with 8 striking bullets. His father-in-law, a 55-year-old man from Nieuwpoort, immediately came into view. He had been seen there shortly before the fact when he argued with the victim. But Stephane V. denies everything, saying that Ilir had many enemies.

This morning, Stephane V. had to demonstrate which routes he traveled with his van that day, when and why. For example, he took an illogical way back home. But according to his lawyer, that has to do with his poor eyesight, which means that his client avoids busy roads.

Waiting for results of various studies

According to his lawyer, Stephane V. cooperated well with the trajectory reconstruction. In the meantime, we are still waiting for the results of a number of additional studies. The results of the herb spore research and the camera images are still pending. The suspect’s lawyer also asked for an examination of one of the motorcycle’s tires. Bram Elyn, lawyer: “It may have been stabbed with a knife. And a knife was also found in my client’s van. We just want to use the tire research to show that those stabbings do not come from Stephane’s knife.”

The reconstruction may have answered some questions today, but it is clear that many more questions remain unanswered.

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