Murcia-Jumilla | Arrested a 21-year-old for stabbing the three injured in the Jumilla fight

08/20/2022 at 18:27


The suspect, a neighbor of Cieza, was captured moments after the fight and is accused of stabbing the victims: they are still in the hospital and one of them is in serious condition

A 21-year-old man of Spanish nationality, a resident of Cieza, has been arrested as the alleged perpetrator of the stabbings that took place at the Jumilla festivitiesconfirms the Civil Guard.

The suspect was captured in the fairground area moments after the brawl and is accused of stab the three victims: one of them, a 26-year-old, is seriously ill in hospital. The other two injured, aged 23 and 25, had more minor injuries and are already recovering at home. The three injured are neighbors of Yecla who moved to Jumilla to enjoy the festivities.

Agents from the Meritorious, from the Local Police of the City of Jumilla and three ambulances 061 (two Mobile Units and an ambulance from the Emergency Service) to transport the wounded to the hospitals in Cieza and Yecla.

Brawl and punctures

To bloody pitched battle of the Jumilla festivitieswhich sent three men to the hospital, adds the puncture alert. Two young women, both 20 years old, denounced at dawn having been victims of punctures in the celebrations of the said locality. From the Armed Institute they confirm that they are investigating what happened to these girls.

The two girls went to the emergency room on their own feet. They claimed to have felt how someone poked them and, immediately afterwards, they reported be dizzy.

The two testimonials are similar: they felt a prick, but they don’t know how or by whom. After being treated at the health center, they were transferred to the Yecla Hospital, to do a complete analysis to detect some type of substance in their body. With them, There are already five women who have claimed in the Murcian community to have been punctured this summer.
