Murals on A19 bridges commemorate the 2013 pile-up

Murals on A19 bridges commemorate the 2013 pile-up

The idea comes from the provincial governor, the Roads and Traffic Agency, and is supported by the mayors of Wervik and Zonnebeke. Jamz Jamezon: “In the beginning I thought: I was going to tackle the entire bridge including the pillars, but that turned out to be quite difficult technically and logistically. Then I thought: why not two bridges. Actually the area between Wervik and Zonnebeke. I liked it a great honor to do.” (read more below the photo)

Clouds, but also clear skies

The pile-up of December 3, 2013 happened through a local wall of fog, between Wervik and Zonnebeke. As many as 144 vehicles were involved in the traffic accident, in both directions. There were four injuries and unfortunately two fatalities. “Fog is very beautiful in itself, but the image is gray with not much color in it. And I thought: I have to find something else. And then I thought about clouds. In an accident you also have clouds. From cars colliding to skidding you get a cloud effect. But I found the clearing interesting. The sun coming through again.”

The murals are not only a reminder of the pitch-black day in traffic, they should also encourage drivers in the future to drive more carefully in bad weather conditions.

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