‘Municipality to court because of mandatory corona pass at swimming lessons’ Inland

According to the NSWZ, between 10,000 and 15,000 children are affected at home because their parents are not allowed to enter swimming lessons.

Earlier, the interim relief judge for the Central Netherlands ruled that the swimming pool ‘t Gooische Bad in Hilversum does not have to check for corona tickets for parents who go to their child’s swimming lessons for the time being. The judge ruled that swimming lessons fall under education and that the swimming pool is therefore not an indoor sports location. Checking corona tickets is therefore not mandatory.

The court only looked at the situation between the municipality of Hilversum and this swimming pool. A spokesperson for the court could not say whether this ruling also has consequences for checking the corona pass at other swimming pools.

In order to be able to conduct the procedure, the NSWZ has gathered parents who want to stand up against their municipality.

legal game

The Sports and Municipalities Association states that the QR code has been imposed by the government and that the NSWZ should therefore not be present at the municipalities. “But of course you can’t stop anyone from filing lawsuits. The defense will be quite simple, this is what the rule is and the municipalities adhere to it,” said a spokesperson. “If you want to open when you have to close, don’t be with those who enforce the rules, you have to be with those who make the rules.”


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