Municipality tacks: Oeteldonk flags in the tower of St. John’s

It would take some getting used to for the carnival celebrants from Den Bosch: no Oeteldonk flags on the tower of St. John’s Cathedral. For a while it seemed that the flags would not be visible this year, because the municipality had determined that St. John’s employees can no longer hoist the flags safely. The municipality has come up with a temporary solution especially for carnival: a specialized company will hang the Oeteldonk flags.

On special occasions, flags fly at St. John’s. The red-white-yellow at carnival and the Dutch tricolor on King’s Day. This has been happening since time immemorial, but it appears to be a dangerous job for the flag hoists. That is why safety measures are now being taken to protect the lifters.

For example, the tower will have fall protection at a six-meter-long open staircase on the inside of the tower. A railing will also be installed. In addition, Sint-Jan employees receive training on working at heights. When hoisting the flags, employees will now wear a helmet and must secure themselves.

It is not yet clear when St. John’s employees will be allowed to hang flags at the top of St. John’s again again. The municipality thinks that the work in the monumental tower will take some time. It is not known whether a specialized company will be asked to hang the Dutch flag again on King’s Day.

The Oeteldonk flags will fly from Friday to Wednesday morning at the Town Hall and the tower of St. John’s.


Hoisting a flag is far too dangerous: no flags on St. John’s for the time being
