Municipality cancels Eritrean party that the organization wanted to move to Beverwijk

On Saturday afternoon, the municipality of Beverwijk put an end to an Eritrean party in an event center in the North Holland town. The municipality has issued an emergency ordinance, there are fears of “serious disturbance of public order”, according to a spokesman. Initially, the organization wanted to hold the party in Rijswijk, but the municipality was also obstructive there because of the threat of disorder.

Also read: Judge does not give permission for Eritrean party in Rijswijk

The Netherlands Eritrean Platform Foundation (SNEP) did not receive a permit for the event, because it was not requested in time. The organization then initiated administrative proceedings to allow the party to continue. However, the court of The Hague did not give permission for this. The organization therefore wanted to organize the event in Beverwijk – in vain, as it turns out on Saturday.

About twenty younger men present, some dressed in an Eritrean flag, hoped to attend a rap performance. One of them now has to return to Belgium. One police car is present on the Beverwijk industrial estate, but the atmosphere does not threaten to escalate.


The municipality of Rijswijk did not want to let the event go ahead because of the announced speaker Awel Seid. This was apparent from the procedure between the municipality and the Eritrean organisation. According to the municipality, the risk of disturbances was greater than in previous editions. According to opponents of the party, Seid is a henchman of the dictatorial regime in Eritrea.

The organizers of SNEP, on the other hand, stated that there are no security risks and that there would be sufficient security personnel on site. They also deny any link to the Eritrean regime. The organization’s lawyer described Seid as a “poet” who describes “why young people should appreciate the country of Eritrea.”

With the cooperation of Rik Wassens and Marcel Haenen.
