Municipalities of Twente hold Gazprom, other municipalities are waiting | Inland

That’s why they wait for the contract to end. There are as yet no Dutch municipalities that have canceled their contract with Gazprom with immediate effect.

Enschede, Losser and Hof van Twente will switch to another gas supplier on 1 January 2023. The other municipalities in January 2025. Before that time, the municipalities will “shall accelerate sustainability in order to reduce energy consumption.” In Losser, for example, the swimming pool will reduce the use of natural gas. Ultimately, the municipalities want to switch to more sustainable gas. That has been the plan for a long time. The municipalities prefer locally generated green gas, supplied by waste processing company Twence.

Need help

Other municipalities are also examining their contracts with Gazprom. Frisian authorities reported that they wanted to get rid of their contract as soon as possible. However, the help of the central government is needed for this, says deputy of the province Sietske Poepjes. Among other things, the Frisian authorities want a replacement gas supplier to be found. To avoid compensation, the governments want to start a joint lawsuit.

The Utrecht city council has not yet received any information about the contract with Gazprom. The municipality of Venlo has decided not to stop with the gas supplier, unless the government changes tender rules.

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there was a fuss about the contracts with Gazprom, because money flows into the Russian treasury through the group. However, Gazprom Energy NL is registered in the Netherlands, which means it is outside the sanctions against Russia. As a result, companies that terminate their contract with Gazprom are likely to have to pay damages. Moreover, the gas supplier cannot be excluded for the time being in a new tender procedure. A new contract may still have to be concluded with the company.
