Municipalities and provinces are given a statutory duty to receive asylum seekers | news item

News item | 25-05-2022 | 13:51

The cabinet is working on a statutory task for municipalities to provide reception centers for asylum seekers. State Secretary Eric van der Burg of Justice and Security and Minister De Jonge for Housing and Spatial Planning write this in a letter to the House of Representatives. Municipalities in the Netherlands are thus given a joint responsibility in the reception of asylum seekers. In the future, this should ensure sufficient reception places and a better spread of asylum reception across the country.

Urgently need new locations

Since last summer, more than 17,000 reception places have been created. But unfortunately it is not enough. New locations are urgently needed in the very short term. At the moment, different parties are working hard every day to provide asylum seekers with barely any shelter. This is no longer possible and therefore sufficient and more stable asylum reception must be provided with a different method.

By giving municipalities the legal task of supplying locations for asylum reception, they become jointly responsible. For example, there must be more stable asylum reception. The COA remains responsible for the reception and guidance of asylum seekers. In addition, the government is looking into the possibility of introducing a power to designate, as a last resort, if it turns out that this is necessary. Municipalities that do not contribute to the joint approach to reception can then be forced to cooperate.

Accelerated outflow of status holders

About a third of the reception places are currently occupied by people with a residence permit. It is urgently necessary that they move from asylum reception to housing in municipalities. Not only to relieve the pressure on the asylum reception, but also for their integration. Municipalities are working hard on this, but the housing rate of status holders is not sufficient to make up for the target, including arrears. The Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning has therefore requested the provinces to tighten up and accelerate inter-administrative supervision for municipalities with arrears. When realizing housing, municipalities can make use of various support measures from the government. A Task Force will also be set up to accelerate the transformation of buildings into homes and the realization of more flexible housing.

Existing options

The cabinet has also examined the options within the existing legal frameworks. This resulted in a number of options in the field of spatial planning. For example, if all permits have been obtained, COA could start using its own building without first concluding an administrative agreement with the municipality, as is now customary. Another possibility is for the government to take charge of the process of the required permits. Finally, as with the construction of wind farms, for example, the central government could realize reception locations by drawing up an integration plan.

A stable reception system

Ultimately, the cabinet aims for a stable reception system. This means not only evenly distributed across the country, but also flexible so that COA locations can better adapt to the fluctuations in the influx of asylum seekers and the occupation of asylum reception areas. Various plans are currently being drawn up to work towards this, while also looking at the possibilities for smaller-scale reception. The cabinet will continue to work closely with fellow authorities.
