Municipal interests Hoogeveen wants noise measurement at Brug om de Oost

Municipal interests Hoogeveen wants the municipality to have noise and vibration measurements taken at the Brug om de Oost. According to the party, some local residents are desperate and are going crazy from the noise of the many cars driving over the bridge.

Major maintenance has previously been carried out on the mechanics and technical part of the bridge in order to reduce the noise pollution experienced, but according to Gemeentebelangen (GB) this has not helped. “If the measurements show that the standards are being exceeded, GB requests that the municipality make maximum efforts to solve the problem so that the living enjoyment of the families concerned is restored.”

Two years ago, the municipality installed matrix signs with the speed limit at the bridge and the 50 kilometers per hour symbol was painted on the road. For example, traffic had to be reminded of the speed limit. According to the municipality, there were no other options to reduce the nuisance. “The experts have also concluded that there are no additional options to reduce noise and vibration pollution.”

Two years ago, GB requested that the maximum speed be reduced from 30 kilometers per hour, but according to the council, this was “unrealistic and not appropriate to the function of the road.” Speed ​​bumps were also not an option, because they often cause additional nuisance in the form of vibrations, noise and extra exhaust fumes.

Discouraging freight traffic is also not an option according to the council. “In practice, it would again lead to nuisance in residential areas.” This also applies to the proposal to divert traffic via the A28 and A37.

The Weg om de Oost is part of the Hoogeveen Outer Ring and is the access road to the De Wieken industrial estate from the south. The road was constructed to reduce nuisance in and around residential areas.
