Municipal elections: the votes have been counted, now what?

Over the past three days we have voted for who gets a place in the Zoetermeer city council. The result is known, but what now?


As with the elections to the House of Representatives, the largest parties together form a coalition. But these are not always just the largest parties, because not everyone wants to work together. During the elections we could choose between 273 candidates.

VVD and LHN have won the most seats: 5. Then come GroenLinks (4), Party for Democracy Zoetermeer (4) and D66, PvdA, Zoetermeer Vooruit and Zo! Zoetermeer with all four 3 seats.

Executive Committee

There will be a meeting of the central electoral committee on 21 March at 10.00. Only then will the final result be determined. When the parties have agreed with whom they want to collaborate, they jointly determine a program for the next 4 years. The Executive Board will continue to implement this.

This is what they are going to do

The first thing that the municipal councilors will deal with is the composition of a board of Mayor and Aldermen and the appointment of those aldermen. Together: the daily management. The municipality may have a maximum of 20 percent of the number of councilors in aldermen. There is room for 39 councilors in Zoetermeer. The largest municipalities in the Netherlands are allowed to have a maximum of nine aldermen.

The mayor is the chairman of that executive committee, he is appointed by the government. Once all this has been arranged, the aldermen will start working on the coalition plan and the municipal council will check whether it is all being implemented properly.

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