MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN BARCELONA | Pedro Sánchez puts his agenda at the service of the PSC to win in Barcelona: “There is a hunger for victory”

It’s not just him PSC who plays it in Barcelona. it’s not alone Jaume Collboni who assumes the challenge of snatching Ada Colau the mayor’s office of the capital. it’s own Pedro Sanchez who also has a lot to gain or lose in the game that is played in the most sought-after square in the municipal elections in Catalonia. Under the law of the domino effect, the socialists interpret that one thing leads to another: if Barcelona is theirs, the stronger the PSC will be, and if the PSC is strong, the closer they will be to staying in Moncloa after the general elections in December and of the Generalitat when the turn comes. A dream trident on Ferraz street.

“We must summon the social majority of Barcelonans to recover with their vote the best version of Barcelona”, the President of the Government blurted out, drawing applause from the 2,500 attendees at the Barcelona Forum. rally to clothe Collboni -whose role as head of the list was questioned months ago by sectors of the PSOE, although never by Salvador Illa– has made it clear that “there are hunger for victory“, knowing that there will not be a fourth opportunity for Collboni, after three attempts.

“The recipe is very simple: we create wealth and distribute it”

Pedro Sanchez

President of the goverment

To achieve this, Sánchez has put his government agenda at the service of that end. “The recipe is very simple: we create wealth and distribute it“, he assured to summarize the socialist “DNA”. housing law has been one of its spearheads, as well as the job creation data, milestones that it has contrasted with the “neoliberal agenda” right. “Spain breaks records in job creation while the opposition breaks records in despair,” she asserted.

economic data

With the horizon of the general elections at the end of the year, the PSOE leader is determined to dismantle the mantra that the right-wing manages the economy better. “Can raise the minimum wage and expand employment, raise pensions and balance accounts, grow and respect the environment”, he stressed. And he has even added, trying to snatch a flag from Podemos, that these measures they are feminists because they especially benefit women. All this, she has recalled, has been done after a pandemic and after a war. “If we have done all that, what will we not do when we have the wind in our favor”, she has asked rhetorically.

Dating in Catalonia

In addition to this kick-off advanced by the appointment that next week the president has in the White House, Sánchez will also put the clasp to the campaign from Barcelona, ​​a definitive symptom of how the socialists put all the meat on the grill on the Catalan board while they will look askance that nothing goes awry in their great autonomous fiefdoms. It is not ruled out that he steps on Catalonia at least one more time to participate in a rally, possibly in tarragona.

“The polls, the experts, the heart and reason say it, and the people tell us in this pre-campaign: the PSC is going to win these municipal elections and Barcelona is going to have a socialist mayor again. It is a clamor”, he has sentenced Collboni. The Victory morale permeates the leadership of the PSC and the Barcelona mayor’s team, expectations that justify the good health at this time of the initials and, they claim, the leadership of Illa and Sánchez, two cards with which Collboni will play during his campaign.

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It has been made clear in his speech, in which he has asked Sánchez build “jointly” the Barcelona of 2030″. He has boasted both of the Government’s agenda, with the rise in pensions and the minimum wage by flag, and that the leader of the PSC is “doing more for the Catalans” than the ‘president’ of the Generalitat, in addition to remembering that now Catalonia nothing to do with 2017 and is a “community where you can live in peace“thanks to the path of dialogue and agreement.

Dart to Trias

Beyond showing off godparents, Collboni has focused his main dart against the Junts candidate, Xavier Trias, to whom he has asked “in what world do you live” when he affirms that a person who receives 3,000 euros has problems to reach the end of the month. “What worries us is that the people who earn minimum wage by the end of the monthto ask a supermarket cashier how he does it”, he reproached him, in addition to reminding him, once again, that no matter how much he hides the initials, he is the candidate for Carlos Puigdemont and Laura Borras. “Either it deceives the moderates or it deceives the independentistas,” he has settled. Few seconds he has dedicated to the mayoress Ada Colauwith whom the PSC has governed this mandate, beyond claiming that we must “turn the page” and drop a sneak: “Yes you can, yes you can do better”.
