MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS BARCELONA 2023 | Jaume Collboni promises to rehabilitate 20,000 flats in four years

If the start of the campaign focused on order, this time it was the turn of housing, the main problem facing the city of Barcelona. PSC candidate Jaume Collbonihas promised to rehabilitate 20,000 flats in 1,200 existing buildings during the next four years of his mandate thanks to public-private collaboration, a proposal for which he calculates that an investment of 600 million of euros.

The goal, he stressed, is that 20,000 families can “live with all conditions”. This has been assured from a rally in the Camp de l’Arpa neighborhood, in the Sant Martí district, which he has counted this time as a special guest with the PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi Lopez. The Basque leader has taken the opportunity, once again, to praise Catalonia for having been the antidote to years of “confrontation” and “anger” in Catalonia for the ‘procés’.

The building rehabilitation proposal launched by Collboni includes the commitment to build up to 200 lifts, a commitment that he considers to mean the “most revolutionary urban transformation” because, in the case of older people who live in old buildings, it will make it easier for them to go down to the street, a fact that means making them participants in the life of the neighborhoods. Home improvements also involve improving their energy efficiency and paint facades.

The PSC has defined ten “priority” rehabilitation areas on account of 450 million euros in the budget, while the other 150 million will go to actions in the rest of the city. These areas are: Nou Barris-Ronda, Nou Barris-Turons, Sant Martí-Gran Via, Sants-Gran Via, Paral·lel-Rondas, Nou Barris Nord, Sant Andreu-Besòs, Ronda Guinardó and Horta-Ronda.

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When asked about this, who pays for it and how, Collboni details that it will be done with its own financing from the city council and using the European funds Next Generation -would represent 25% of the contribution-, but the financial involvement of the Generalitat will also be necessary.

unite the trams

After the mayoress Ada Colau has established herself as the only guarantee of the tram connection on Diagonalthe head of the PSC list has replied that it was socialist mayors who built about 30 kilometers of this network while the Comuns have not done any. “We will unite the trams”Collboni has settled, although what the Socialists do not guarantee is that this will be possible during the next term.
