MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS BARCELONA 2023 | Jaume Collboni promises to apply the law to evict apartments from the first month

It is the objective of the PSC attract moderate vote. He who lives with restlessness shipwreck of Citizens and he who doubts that Xavier Trias, in the name of Junts, can be synonymous with order. A word, “order”which together with “security” forms part of the discursive corpus of Jaume Collboni. This Tuesday, the socialist mayor has launched his proposal on one of the star folders of the right in these elections: the occupations, an issue for which they tried to burn down the start of the campaign under the two occupied houses in Bonanova.

The PSC candidate has promised that if he is mayor, he will apply the law that the Parliament approved three months ago and that allows city councils to resort to justice after the first 30 days to be evict homes of large holders -more than 10 properties, although state law provides for 5 when it comes into force- occupied by tenants who generate conflicts in the event that the property does not initiate legal actions. All parties approved the measure, except for the Comuns and the CUPalthough ERC did so dragging its feet and after entering into a negotiation to soften the initial approach.

“The occupations are one of the legitimate concerns that many people have in the city, an important problem that is being talked about with a dose of demagogy and simplification. Zero tolerance for criminal occupations,” said Collboni, flanked by the security councilor, albert batlleand number two of the candidacy, Maria Eugenia Gayfrom the gardens of Les Tres Xemeneies.

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His proposal, he has shelled, goes through solving “structurally” the phenomenon with a squatting prevention office to which people and communities of owners who encounter a case can contact calling 112, where a newly created specific protocol will be activated in which social services, police forces and legal advice will be coordinated. It can be said that it is a telephone that is the responsibility of the Generalitat and that, despite being a “prevention” office, the call will take place when the occupation has already become effective.

Collboni defends, however, that this will be allowed “accompany” both the neighbors and the owners affected and it will also be a kind of radar to, on the one hand, urge the eviction by the city council in the event of it being a flat belonging to a large fork, and, on the other, to detect the families who are in a vulnerable situation and guarantee them “social protection”. With this combination of measures, Collboni has defended, there will be “one before and one after” with a phenomenon that Batlle himself has admitted that the data indicates that they have been declining.
