MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2023 | The debate of mayors of Barcelona in betevé, in 14 sentences

The electoral campaign is advancing at full speed towards the appointment with the polls, next Sunday, May 28. A close campaign in the polls and full of debates organized by the media and city entities. This Monday, May 15, it was the turn of the betevé electoral debatethe public channel of Barcelona, ​​which has brought together mayors of the 7 parties with representation currently in town hall.

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The complete chronicle of the debate portrays the strategies of each candidate, as well as the electoral pacts that appear between reproaches and capes. In the era of social networks and immediacy, however, the parties also prepare the mayors to release ‘pearls’ and brief ‘zascas’that can be spread afterwards as a coup d’état.

This selection of 14 phrases tries to summarize very briefly the stellar moments of each candidate for Mayor of Barcelona, ​​in order of current representation in the consistory.

Ernest Maragall

  • “I will make a government in which the PSC is not, this PSC cannot be in the governorship of Barcelona & rdquor;

  • “Barcelona is a jewel and you are selling it cheap, it is poorly managed, poorly explained and poorly visited& rdquor;

Ada Colau

  • “Xavier Trias and I are very clear in excluding each other, on the other hand we have had 5 debates and Collboni still does not clarify if he will agree with Trias& rdquor;

  • “It is not clear to me whether Mr Collboni is speaking as a member of this government or as someone who has abandoned his responsibilities. I do claim what we have approved together & rdquor;

Jaume Collboni

  • “I have set three conditions for governance pacts: defend economic growth, defend public policies without cuts and be loyal to Spanish and European institutions & rdquor;

  • “Ada Colau, who has seen you and who sees you, in 2015 you were against Mobile and now you celebrate that they stay in Barcelona& rdquor;

Xavier Trias

  • “Barcelona has to help all the towns and cities of Catalonia, and this is also culture. We have to see culture as a source of economic activity, employment and enrichment& rdquor;

  • “If I am not mayor, it is evident that I will not stay warming a chair & rdquor;

Anna Grau

  • “The next Barça street will have to be done in Madrid because you won’t be able to circulate through the streets of Barcelona, ​​here 46 hours are lost in traffic jams and there 26”

  • “I greet Josep, who has a vermouth bar in the Eixample: he invited me to a ham tapa and only asked me to throw Colau out, but you see [señalando a las izquierdas]you have to throw her out and everything that hangs & rdquor;

Daniel Sirera

  • “If Ada Colau is the list with the most votes, I will do whatever it takes to prevent her from being mayor& rdquor;

  • “I live on Valencia street, mayoress, and I invite you to come one day to sleep and you will see the disaster”

Eva Parera

  • “You [a Trias] he will leave and leave us the ex-consellers of Torra, for you this is an employment office for those who have been left without a job & rdquor;

  • “It is the great speculator of this city, Mrs. Colau, making superillas and preventing construction makes prices rise & rdquor;
