Municipal elections 2023 | Illa asks for the vote for the PSC to put Catalonia in motion

The first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illahas made this Thursday an appeal to “trust” the PSC in the municipal elections on May 28 as “the first step to put Catalonia on track” and has called for “a useful vote to carry out a useful policy”. In a political act at the Museum of Water and Textile (MAT) in Manresa together with the socialist candidate for mayor of that city, Anjo ValentiIlla has assured that these municipal elections in Catalonia will be won by the socialists.

Illa has emphasized that the “vigor” of the Socialists is “a collective project, not a personal one” and that “he understands politics as a public service”, for which reason they make “proposals to transform reality” and take care of the institutions. He has contrasted these principles with those who understand politics as “a simple administration of power” and make proposals “to maintain and occupy” power and “are guided by what helps them stay in power, period.”

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“Those who see politics as a simple occupation of power use the institutions and subordinate them to their interests. Look at what is happening in the Parliament of Catalonia. It is one of the most serious things that has happened in Catalonia lately. I have nothing against Mrs. (Laura) Borràs but that’s enough. The institution is above her personal interests and those of her party”, defended the first secretary of the PSC. Illa has specified that she says this for Junts, for ERC and also for the CUP, which favored Borras occupying the presidency of Parliament with her vote or her abstention.

Salvador Illa has assured that, after many years, in this electoral campaign in Catalonia, “useful politics, that solves problems, that goes to concrete things and that makes progress” will be imposed and has demanded the contribution of the Socialists to this and especially to the Government of Spain. The leader of the PSC has explained that the Catalan socialists want “order”, “opportunities”, “prosperity” and “to recover in all of Catalonia a point of self-esteem, pride” and that is why it is very important that “useful politics” make its way in the government of the Generalitat. Regarding Manresa, Illa has assured that the mayor of the PSC, Anjo Valentí, represents going from impossible proposals to achievable things, from the “fight” between the two formations that have been governed (Junts and ERC) and the “crossed vetoes” , to the “concrete proposal of how we improve the city”.
