MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2023 | Colau vindicates the pride of feminist Barcelona that will not allow fascism to advance “not one millimeter”

The Mayor of Barcelona and BComú candidate to revalidate that responsibility, Ada Colau, claimed this Thursday from Plaça del Diamant in the Gràcia neighborhood “the pride of feminist Barcelona”. In a public act, she has affirmed that Barcelona is not afraid and does not intend to take “not one step back” even if the extreme right comes “with macho insults”. “Barcelona will never let fascism advance an inch again,” she asserted.

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The leader of the BComú ranks has assured that she wants to continue “paving the way” because, despite the feminist policies promoted and the advances and that the city has been “pioneering”, there is still “a lot of machismo” in the streets and “institutional racism”. . That’s why, Colau He has said that they are “aware” that more must be done and has pointed out that he wants to implement more programs and policies.

He has referred, for example, to programs that guarantee the sexual freedom of LGTBI older people, a “very invisible” group, with better attention to diversity in homes with services for the elderly or others such as telecare. “It means going down into the mud and reviewing service by service and equipment by equipment, so that they have a look, budget protocol” with a feminist look and pride in diversity. Another bet that she has made is to place women who work in the home at the center, women who are also “invisible”. Before this group, she has proposed to carry out new employment programs that help to regularize migrants.
