Multiple Sclerosis Io Non Sclero: who are the 3 new ambassadors

TOtrue the Multiple sclerosis and find that you have unexpected resources to deal with the disease. Courage, physical and mental strength, positive energy and motivation to overcome with determination a diagnosis that is bad for the body and the spirit. A kind of “super power” to rely on and to spread to others who have received the same diagnosis. This is the meaning of the online community of I DON’T CHOOSEthe project wanted by Biogen and from Wave Foundationthe National Observatory on Women’s and Gender HealthWith the’Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM) and with the patronage of Italian Society of Neurology (SIN). And the news is that from today there are 3 new ambassadors who will have the task of representing the large community of IO NON SCLERO, to testify the strength and positivity of those who face Multiple Sclerosis every day. They are called Anci, Fedeblues and Ramy

What is Multiple Sclerosis

Lto Multiple sclerosis it is a degenerative inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that affects only in Italy 130 thousand people. The female to male ratio is currently 3 to 1, traditionally in the age range 20-40 yearswith about the 5-6% of pediatric cases. Onset is usually earlier for women and later for men. And in old age, the onset symptoms can be confused with those of a stroke. Today the diagnostic tools and therapeutics favor theimmediate start of drug treatments thanks to which the disease does not cause disability.

The alarm bells

The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis are numerous and can also simulate other pathologies, so it is essential to consult a doctor who specializes in neurology in order not to underestimate the signals. here are the alarm bells which deserve further study and a visit to the neurologist: “Acute lowering of vision that the ophthalmologist cannot correct, splitting of images, motor difficulties in arms and legsimpediment to running or carrying out complex activities.

What is “I do not sclero”

This year is theeighth edition from I DON’T CHOOSEproject of information and awareness about the disease developed by Biogen, Wave Foundationin collaboration with AISM and the patronage of Italian Society of Neurology. The initiative invites patients to share your story and tell the unexpected resource or super power they discovered to have after diagnosis. In a few weeks, over 50 stories arrived on the site and involved over 78,000 people who follow the Facebook page of the project. «A big thank you from me goes to all the people who have had the desire to get involved by talking about themselves. Each of them was able to convey strong emotions and helps to give strength and courage to those who, like me, know the difficulties caused by multiple sclerosis, but strive day after day to remain themselves and continue to look to the future with positivity ” , explains Francesco Vacca, National President of AISM.

The 3 new ambassadors

The initiative, which started last May, highlighted the unexpected resources that emerged after the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Courage, awareness, value of the present. These are the “super powers” of Anci, Fedeblues and Ramy, the nicknames of the authors of the three stories selected by the IO NON SCLERO Committee, who have been elected as the new Ambassadors of the project.

Anci, a superhero who dreams of a white coat

Anci He defines himself as “almost a brave superhero who dreams of a white coat”. Courage is his super power, discovered and nurtured after experiencing the frailty of discovering Multiple Sclerosis on his skin three years ago. He tells himself this way: «Today with my courage I am pursuing the biggest dream of my life: to become a doctor. Three years ago it seemed impossible, today I am doing it with courage and effort and when it happens I am sure it will be the best feeling of my life ».

Fedeblues “I discovered I have a toolbox full of magical tools”

Fedeblues, the second Ambassador, tells himself: «After the diagnosis, my artistic and professional life has changed and in many ways perhaps even improved. Gaining an awareness that I wasn’t used to, you return rookies with a toolbox full of magical tools that only we can use. I would have gladly done without it, especially for those close to me, but if it hadn’t been for Multiple Sclerosis, I would never have understood many things “. The super power of her? There self-awareness: Multiple Sclerosis today does not allow him to paint as he once did, but he juggles between artistic research and teaching to help those who, like him, have discovered that they are different.

Ramy, who has reached her milestone of becoming a mom

“I’m a lucky person except I didn’t know it before.” This concludes the story of Ramy, the third Ambassador. Her super power is the Present, that present that she began to appreciate and fully appreciate only after the diagnosis, learning to enjoy the little things and reaching important goals such as becoming a mother. “I don’t wait any longer today. I have learned to see happiness in a flower or in a blue sky; I live every single moment trying to give value to important things without being distracted by the fear of tomorrow », says Ramy.

Antonella Ferrari, the godmother

Together with them, supporting IO NON SCLERO is the actress and godmother of AISM Antonella Ferrari. «I am very happy to have taken part in this wonderful initiative. Being able to see the amount of stories that have been sent and reading the testimonies of people who, like me, struggle every day against Multiple Sclerosis without losing their smile and positivity has sincerely moved me “.

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All the stories that took part in the initiative are available on the site, together with the many testimonies that have participated in the previous editions of the project. «The IO NON SCLERO project is growing together with its community, which represents its beating heart. We have exceeded 78 thousand users on the Facebook page and traffic to the site continues to grow, both in the information sections and in the more narrative sections, linked to the sharing of life stories and the various initiatives that have taken place over the years “, commented Chiara Mapelli, Web Area Manager – Fondazione Onda .

