Multiple offenses! James Simon Park cleared again

After several crimes, James Simon Park was cleared

After several crimes, James Simon Park was cleared Photo: spreepicture

From BZ editors

Again trouble in James Simon Park! The muggy, warm summer night brought another stress test for the Berlin police in the city’s parks.

Between 800 and 1000 party-goers gathered again in the James-Simon-Park in Mitte. After physical injury and other crimes had occurred, the park was cleared by a hundred Berlin police, federal police and dog handlers from the Berlin police.

A zero-tolerance strategy is being implemented in James-Simon-Park, several criminal offenses occur within a certain period of time and the park is cleared

A zero-tolerance strategy is being implemented in James-Simon-Park, and if several crimes occur within a certain period of time, the park will be cleared Photo: spreepicture

The background is, among other things, the zero-tolerance strategy that applies in connection with the park: If there are several crimes within a certain period of time, the area will be cleared.

By 1:30 a.m., the park was finally empty.


Berlin Police James-Simon-Park
