Mullah regime disbands moral police

Participants in the demo hold up posters and banners

In recent weeks there have been major protests against the mullahs’ regime in Iran, including in Berlin Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Philip Fabian and Nils Kottmann

The power of the mullahs seems to be crumbling, the ultra-Islamic regime is making concessions after two months of protests across the country! First small victory of the demonstrators: The vice police in Iran will be disbanded!

“The vice squad has been disbanded, but the judiciary will continue to deal with this societal challenge,” the Shargh newspaper quoted Attorney General Mohammed Jafar Montaseri as saying on Sunday.

There were no further details about the circumstances and the implementation of the resolution.

Background: The brutal moral police have been terrorizing citizens – especially women in the country – since the Islamic revolution in 1979, urging them to cover their hair under the headscarf.

Mahsa Amini was beaten to death by the Iranian vice squad

Mahsa Amini was beaten to death by the Iranian vice squad Photo: Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS

Specifically, the moral guards were the trigger for the system-critical uprisings in the country that have been going on for more than two months. In mid-September they arrested 22-year-old Mahsa Amini because a few strands of hair are said to have stuck out from under her headscarf. Amini died a few days later in the custody of the vice squad. Since then, people in Iran have been protesting against the Islamic system and its laws and regulations.


Iran news protest
