Much damage after explosion in Zaandam, trauma team called

A lot of damage was caused by an explosion in a house on Govert ‘t Hoenstraat in Zaandam this evening. The report of a house fire came in around 9:30 p.m. A trauma team has also been called.

It is not yet clear what exactly happened in or around the house. The safety region emphatically calls on people to give emergency services space and not to come to the scene of the fire.

According to a spokesperson for the safety region, there was a ‘major’ explosion in a home. According to the Noordhollands Dagblad, someone was seriously injured in the explosion. There would also be a search for possible victims at the back of the house.

Heavy fire last week

In a house on the Jan Windhouwerstraat in Zaandam, about 500 meters away, there was also a fierce house fire on November 24. The police strongly believe that the fire was deliberately lit.
