‘Much better than André Hazes Jr.’

Yvonne Coldeweijer, the woman who changed the life of Lil Kleine (Jorik Scholten) forever by distributing the infamous car door video, is positively surprised by his docuseries.

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Jorik Scholten is yet another celebrity with his own documentary series. You expect a slick film that is intended to boost his image, but nothing could be further from the truth: the series is made quite neutrally and actually shows all the not-so-nice sides of the fallen rapper. Yvonne Coldeweijer has also taken a look.

Yvonne cries

What is Yvonne’s opinion? It made her emo. “Is it because I just gave birth to a son that I’m crying along with Lil Kleine five times? The documentary confirms my feeling that Jaimie kept their son away from Jorik for a year purely out of his own frustration. Heartbreaking,” she wrote juicechannel.

She continues: “That at that time Jorik deliberately took a shower in the bathroom next to the nursery, so that he could hold on to the memory that he often showered there together with Lío. 🥹 If that doesn’t affect you as a viewer, then you must be made of stone.”


Yvonne is remarkably mild. “I was afraid that the documentary would contain little self-reflection, but fortunately that is not the case. It is depicted in an honest manner how Jorik realizes that he has caused this and I see genuine regret at certain moments. In any case, sorry for how far he let it get.”

She continues: “I have never seen that authenticity in an artist on screen before. He told his side of the story in his own way, without slinging mud. While he probably needed that. Classy. As a viewer, I feel very reassured that Jorik himself has such a very sweet father who he can always turn to.”


That Jorik documentary is better than that of André Hazes Jr., says Yvonne. “Nothing in the documentary feels staged to me. Enough interesting things happen without him having to exaggerate it or make it bigger than it is. You really get the chance to connect with Jorik and his story, also because of how it is filmed and edited.”

She continues: “I don’t feel, just like with Crossroads by Andre Hazes Jr., the pressure that something is imposed on me to feel. The makers simply leave it up to you as a viewer. They allow it to happen. So a hats off to the makers.”

Red flag

Yvonne is concerned about the fact that Jorik clearly does not want to stop partying. “You even see him asking how long he has to continue with the probation service’s drug tests, because ‘he’s only 28’. I really had a mega there red flag-moment. You can just see that he starts to want to use again and to go to hell.”

All in all, Yvonne continues to fear for Jorik’s future. “Knowing that drugs are now involved again and that he and Jaimie are involved with each other again, I still wonder: are we back to square one? Did anything come of all those insights… or did he manipulate us a bit in the documentary?”
