“Mrs. Harris and a Dior dress” – Journey into the past

Comfortable cinema films should be particularly welcome in the current times of crisis. For example “Mrs. Harris and a Dior Dress”: A comedy about a kindly elderly lady (Lesley Manville) who has a special fondness for fashion. The film is now coming to German cinemas and is a nice sprinkling that offers two great actresses in Lesley Manville and Isabelle Huppert.

Ada Harris (Manville) lives in London in the 1950s, is a widower and makes ends meet as a domestic help. Although her living conditions are not very easy, she charms those around her with her positive charisma.

One day, in the house of one of her employers, she discovers a stunning purple dress by Dior. And it’s love at first sight, so to speak: Harris is convinced that she needs a piece of clothing like this too. She looks for new ways to earn money, wins a small sum and saves until she can afford a trip to Paris – to buy a dress from the French luxury brand there.

A couture dream with obstacles

Naturally, the employees, including Claudine Colbert (Huppert), are initially irritated when the sprightly pensioner, not exactly dressed elegantly, shows up at Dior and demands to buy a dress. When they see their banknotes, they are convinced – but not everyone is enthusiastic.

Ada finds out: At Dior, customers still have haute couture dresses tailored to their body. So she has to stay longer than planned, and the whole thing is not without various irritations and complications. Not only is Ada’s own life turned upside down, but also that of her new surroundings.

“Mrs. Harris and a Dior Dress” is a cute story that fashionistas should enjoy. In places, however, the film also conveys very traditional role models. So Ada is the caregiver who makes sure that everyone is doing well in the background – and is very proud of her nature as a woman. In the beastly Claudine, she finds an ally according to the motto “That’s just how we women are” the moment she realizes that the Frenchwoman also cares about a lot more than meets the eye.

“Mrs. Harris and a dress by Dior” is a journey into the past in many respects. The book on which the film is based is several decades old. And in terms of content, the story is unfortunately no longer up to date. (dpa)
