Mr. Carlos Sigvardt, vice president of the Emotional Education Foundation, tells us about Emotional Education Day – Brand

November 10 has been established as the day of Emotional Education because on this date in 2016 the Emotional Education Law was proclaimed in the province of Corrientes, being the pioneer in the country, later it was followed by the provinces of Misiones, Jujuy, Chaco and Tucumán.

Mr. Lucas Malaisi, President of the Emotional Education Foundation, has been the precursor of said project, carrying the proposal in our Latin American country and Italy.

I have the honor of accompanying Lucas in this project along with many people who are passionate and committed to the proposal, participating as Foundation Officials, National and International Ambassadors and Volunteers from each province who are the ones who carry out and put into practice Emotional Education in the schools, thank you very much to all of them.

The first article of the draft Emotional Education Law (Social-Emotional Education Law) says:

“Develop through formal teaching each of the emotional skills, self-knowledge, emotional self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills – such as the skills and competencies to discover, identify, recognize, reflect and express those that allow options to be taken into consideration. and select favorably to be incorporated into each stage of people’s life cycle for and by children, young people and adults. In Families, institutions, community and collaborative teams. It is based on four pillars:

-Socio-emotional Education of Girls, Boys, Youth and Adults (In the different areas and levels of teaching-learning processes)

-School for families.

-Socio-emotional Education for educators.

-Socio-emotional Education in the interpersonal relationships of institutions.”

In the celebration of Emotional Education Day we can be satisfied with what has been achieved and we go for more.

It is necessary to go for more because I personally live in the daily visit to schools talking with teachers, sharing talks with more than five thousand adolescents this year, they express the need to be able to talk about emotions and they are excited when they notice that they can improve socio-emotional skills to feeling good which brings about a better coexistence. Beautiful projects are generated by teachers and institutions that warn of the need and improvement in coexistence and academic results.

I have also seen with great pleasure that students present projects in the Senates and Youth Councils to teach Emotional Education in schools, it is very satisfying to see that the proposals come from the students themselves. Other actions that are worth highlighting are the implementation by municipalities and communes of socio-emotional workshops with large attendance of children and young people where they can develop socio-emotional skills and the organizing institutions can detect and prevent cases of violence, addictions, suicides, etc.

Three years ago the Ministry of Education of Salta implemented the Schools that Feel and Learn Program for the Secondary level in which I have the honor of being part of the advisory team. Maintaining the program during this time has allowed us to see the results where The schools have found support for the implementation of socio-emotional projects that have borne fruit, from self-knowledge, collaborative work, life purpose, healthy environments, conflict resolution, provenance, prevention, involving the community, radio workshops, diary of emotions, assertive communication, non-violent communication, resilience and much more.

Preparing our boys, girls and young people for life is our great challenge. We know that we are on the right path. In this celebration we thank everyone who joins us in this challenge and we invite teachers, parents and organizations to join the implementation of Emotional Education.

Dear Readers, until next time.

Hug of Peace

Lic. Carlos Sigvardt

Vice President of the Emotional Education Foundation.


[email protected]


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