Moving find in Italy: medieval skeletons show “a child safely under mother’s care” | Abroad

Two medieval skeletons, believed to be of a mother embracing her young child, have been discovered in Italy. The discovery was made during renovation work at Piazza Costa in Fano, a coastal town in the province of Pesaro Urbino.

Archaeologist Ilaria Venanzoni confirmed that the skeletons were of an adult and a child. Her initial findings suggest the adult is likely a woman, possibly the child’s mother. “It seems that the child is in a kind of eternal sleep, safe in the care of his mother,” she told Italian news agency ANSA.

Further investigation using DNA analysis will confirm whether the adult is indeed the child’s parent. Roman remains were previously found at this location, followed by the construction of a medieval church with monastery.

This discovery is not an isolated event. Last month, skeletons from the Middle Ages were found in an old cemetery in Ukraine. They had wooden buckets on their feet and rings around their necks. This discovery sheds new light on a period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Italian Renaissance, which is often considered mysterious.
