moving! Deventer rapper Snelle has an emotional meeting with a young fan on stage | Deventer

WITH VIDEOA special moment during the performance of rapper Snelle at Concert at Sea. The Deventer artist saw how a girl in the audience held up a sign and decided to walk towards her. What followed was a touching encounter.

From the stage, the singer-songwriter saw a young girl in the audience asking for an autograph via a cardboard sign on Friday evening. “That was also just on the last chorus of Smoorverliefd, so then I thought: well, I can sing that together with someone from the audience,” Lars Bos, as the Deventer is really called, tells NPO Radio 2.


The meeting didn’t turn out the way he’d imagined, because the moment he arrived at the girl she burst into tears. ,,Then we cuddled for half a minute.” The emotional moment stirred up a lot of excitement among the audience. ,,There were people here in front of the studio watching you and they were completely in tears”, noted radio host Wouter de Goes.

,,I thought: what is happening here? Then I saw that girl and I thought: that is something very special. What a beautiful man, that’s great!”, said the radio DJ. ,,Yes, that was very nice”, Snel agrees.

After the touching hug, the rapper asked the girl on stage where they sang the last chorus of Smoorverliefd together. “I think she got the biggest applause of her life.”


It is not the first time that the Deventer singer offers young fans a special stage. For example, during the Overijssel Liberation Festival in Zwolle, 10-year-old Demi was given the opportunity to sing one of his songs together with the artist.

During Wantijpop in Dordrecht, 11-year-old Benjamin was picked up on stage. He was instructed by the rapper to place a song on YouTube within a week, he succeeded with flying colors
