Movement alliance launched with Carl Verheijen as chairman | news item

News item | 06-07-2022 | 12:00

Former top skater Carl Verheijen has been appointed chairman of the Movement Alliance that starts today. The starting signal for the Movement Alliance was given by State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen and Minister Conny Helder (VWS). More exercise is part of the National Prevention Agreement with the ultimate goal that 75% of the Dutch population will comply with the exercise guidelines by 2040. With the Exercise Alliance, there can be more social attention and action for exercise. In doing so, we do justice to the importance of this theme in promoting the health of the Dutch. The focus of the Movement Alliance is on better cooperation between departments, alliance partners and local initiatives.

State Secretary Van Ooijen: “I can’t really imagine a better figurehead than Carl Verheijen. It is fantastic that he is so willing to commit himself to the Movement Alliance. A great sportsman and someone who has been committed to prevention for years is exactly what it takes to get more people moving. The challenge is great, we all move far too little. Together we can make a difference for a healthier Netherlands.”

In 2020, only 53% of Dutch people met the exercise guidelines. And in the past 20 years, only ten percent more Dutch people have started to comply with the exercise guidelines. So a considerable extra effort is needed to be able to make the step to 75% in 2040. The goal of the Movement Alliance is that by 2040 exercise should be a natural part of the life of every Dutch person.


In the Movement Alliance, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) works together with parties from, among others, healthcare, the social domain, education, business, sports, knowledge institutions, municipalities and other departments. The alliance is a driver that facilitates other parties with knowledge, network and communication. In doing so, the alliance builds on collaborations and initiatives that already exist. There is broad collaboration to scale up or start up joint initiatives.

Chairman Carl Verheijen

Former top skater, and chef de mission of the Dutch team during the 2022 Winter Olympics, Carl Verheijen has been appointed chairman of the movement alliance. The chairman of the movement alliance is in direct contact with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to discuss the implemented policy.

Carl Verheijen: “With the establishment of the movement alliance, a huge step is being taken to get more Dutch people active for a long time. I see the Movement Alliance as an outboard motor to give all those good initiatives that are already there an extra push. In addition, new initiatives are being developed through collaboration and cross-pollination within the movement alliance, which the individual parties cannot realize alone. I am proud to be the chairman of this enthusiastic club and I am full of energy and ideas to make the movement alliance a success.”
