Mourinho interview with footballdailyuk: “Abraham wants to stay here, he trusts me”

The Roma coach spoke to “footballdailyuk”, returning to the curious episode of the Tottenham exemption after reaching the FA Cup final

Tammy Abraham, at least for now, is not thinking of a return to England. Josè Mourinho says this and for the Roma fans there could not be better news, given how important the English striker is: “If he wants to return to England he just has to snap his fingers, but I don’t think he wants to do it now. It is not easy for a young player to leave their country, their city and the Premier League. He did it because he trusts me ”, the Portuguese coach’s words to“ footballdailyuk ”.


Mou knows well how easy it is for an English player to adapt in Italy, but things are changing: “Tammy came to Rome and I’m not saying that he proved to everyone that they were wrong, because everyone knew he was a good player. Also, I think that English guys like Smalling and Tomori have understood that there is life even outside the Premier League and that it is a lie that in Italy they cannot improve as players ”.


And he? Does he feel better after a year in Rome? Mou, for sure, feels more serene (aside from the referees question) because he feels really loved: “I am in a moment of maturity in my career and in my life, in which I have no negative feelings, I just have to try to accept things. as they are, I take them in a nice way. Whenever I talk to the English reporters, the joke always comes out about the fact that I qualified for the final and then I was sacked, because it is something that does not happen to many coaches. This time I can’t say I’m privileged because it only happened to me. I hope I’m not fired this time (laughs, ed). I have no regrets, I have no bad feelings ”. The reference is to Tottenham: “There are many beautiful people there and I wish them the best, even to president Levy. But with my career and my story, it was strange what happened. But in the end this opened the doors for me to get to Roma and I’m very happy to be here. “
