Möttönen lost at the grill at Helsinki Central Station – Here’s the reason

VR has received feedback on the lack of classic portions, but also praise for new products.

In addition to the new menu, the name and appearance of the restaurant changed slightly. Katariina Taleva

Several classic dishes have been removed from the menu of perhaps the most central grill in Helsinki, Aseman Wursti (now Street Bar Wursti).

Möttönen, Porilainen and sausage potatoes were given way when space was made for hotdogs and pizzas. At the same time, the name and look of the restaurant changed.

VR development manager Petri Martola says that the lost portions have already been dug up.

– Yes, there has been feedback. The new products have received positive feedback, but Möttö has also been missed. Of course, it’s a shame for some that it hasn’t been found, says VR development manager Petri Martola.

Martola says that the products of the restaurant, now known as Street Bar Wursti, wanted to be modernized at the same time as the restaurant’s appearance was updated as part of the restaurant and service reform of the entire central railway station.

Möttönen is a meat pie with different fillings. At Wurst, you used to get them at least with ham and egg.

You can get a hot dog with either a vegetable or meat nakaki. Katariina Taleva

– We wanted to bring more approachable food products there. There are hotdogs and small pizzas, which are easy to eat on the spot or take away, says Martola.

According to Martola, there are several reasons behind the reform.

– Pizzas and hotdogs are popular products and they certainly have their own consumer base. The reason is not only that we would like to offer these to tourists, but it is also related to changed consumption habits in Finland.

Mozzarella pizza was served on a plate, but you can also take it with you. Katariina Taleva

Martola states that the classic products have not been completely and definitively removed from the menu, but they may be seen, for example, campaign products every now and then.

– Innovations take time and of course it will take a while for customers to find these new products, says Martola.

He was the first to tell about Möttönen’s departure from the menu Helsinki News.
