Motta mission: from Schouten to goals, Thiago takes care of Bologna

He explained his ideas to Saputo, on Monday he will be on the field: the chosen technician plans the rebirth

Jerdy Schouten was shaped by Mihajlovic. From “washing machine”, Sinisa then nicknamed him “Professor”: because this nickname has, over time, gained in the field. The Dutchman, according to the intentions of Thiago Motta, will have to be the … Thiago Motta of Bologna: direction, some detours forward (because Thiago also played with interventionism) but mainly management, first ideas and quality at the service of plays fluid, shiny and for companions. Sinisa Mihajlovic had also developed her technical baggage (an enrichment) as a mezzala by having Dominguez direct: she alternated them, she had two sources and two catapults. Now he will probably go back to the central lighthouse. And it will be Jerdy.

“Here there are one, two or three players who go to press and the others stop. There are many of you who look at others and say “It’s not my fault, the responsibility is theirs.” And I’m not joking about this, it’s not acceptable ”. Thiago Motta uttered this phrase in his first adventure as an Under 19 coach at PSG. It is a textbook for a coach who wants to make high pressure and fast ball retrieve one of his cover / attack systems. Everything else, including the tactical module, will come as soon as Thiago (Monday) will direct his first training session realizing the material available, but certainly it will take the choral complicity of the “football hunt”. Precisely for this reason, they tell from the inside, the Bologna led in these days by Vigiani and Magnani (the two who will lead the team against Fiorentina) has raised the intensity on the pitch: a preparatory aperitif for Thiago’s new Bologna.

Thiago Motta (who had the first real contact in videocall with the president Saputo illustrating ideas and project: yesterday there was the exchange of the binding pre-signature agreements) wants to find a solution also for Roberto Soriano, who is the captain of Bologna and who also made the … midfielder for Bologna. Roberto Soriano scored zero goals last year, in the first league 9: what has changed? The presence of a “pylon” in the middle of the area (Arnautovic for Palacio) yes, greater defensive attention. Here, Thiago Motta has the idea of ​​putting a player who is certainly flexible and generous, but also endowed with “shots”, once again at the center of the system. With view-door.

Then it is true that Vignato has lost himself in the tactical flexibility proposed to him up to now. It is real that Orsolini believed that the team did not put itself with two strikers by placing it back in the turnover box. Then it is well established that Musa Barrow has lost some confidence in that frequent ups and downs from the bench. All true. But all too watered down and different – what they have shown up to now – from their usual characteristics. Vignato, Orsolini and Barrow are players who have sparks on them. And talent. All peculiarities that Mihajlovic tried to “reactivate”. But the three have lost momentum, perhaps confidence: all things Thiago Motta will want to rekindle. Because over 30 million players can’t have such an undercurrent and normal performance.

Five championship shots and five goals from a single player: Arnautovic, who did not finish training yesterday due to a discomfort (blow?) To the knee but which should be recoverable for Fiorentina. Thus, Thiago will have to try to turn on other lights: last season, the scorers of Spezia were eleven; not that Bologna had less, but Bologna – for example – could not get the goals of the substitutes but above all from the internal midfielders (a year ago, only 3 goals from Svanberg). Also from this point of view the “inaction” among the scorers of Soriano must be inserted, as it is right to remember that last year Hickey scored 5 goals and Theate scored 2 (for example). One thing is certain: Motta will have to “cure” what had become an obsession for Mihajlovic, that is wasted production. But production, now, will have to increase. And Zirkzee will lead, when he plays, those hungry for goals.
