Motorway traffic: where queues at the end of the bridge are expected

Increased traffic on the Italian network due to the return at the end of the bridge on 25 April. The areas affected by the possible queues

Increasing flows expected on Italian motorways in the afternoon of April 25, with thetraffic alert taken on the A1 and on the Autostrada del Brennero, both heading north. Accomplice the day from red dot, from 9:00 to 22:00 on 25 April 2023 circulation is prohibited for vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tons. Motorists who will set off to return at the end of the bridge will have to pay attention to the weather forecast, according to the perturbation that will bring rain and thunderstorms to a large part of Italy. The regions most exposed to instability will be the north-eastern ones, in particular Veneto, Friuli and Emilia Romagna, between the night and the early hours of Tuesday morning. In the central hours of Tuesday, however, it will be Marche, Umbria, Abruzzo and the inland areas of Tuscany and Lazio that will be affected by bad weather. The South will be reached by thunderstorms only at the end of the day, with the Tyrrhenian regions and the Islands only marginally involved.

bridge 25 April 2023: where queues are expected

The bulk of the traffic is expected in the afternoon of 25 April, while those who decide to sacrifice the last bridge day by opting for a so-called intelligent departure in the morning should escape. Autostrade per l’Italia indicates possible queues in the following sections:
